Championing small business owners, non-profits, and political candidates who support Judeo-Christian values.
You’ve stepped out with a God-given dream, and how you steward it is important. Whether what you’re doing is having a ripple-effect beginning in your own backyard, or you’re ready to take the world by storm,
I’m here to amplify your voice.
Each of us has a specific purpose to accomplish something that will bless, inspire, impact, and empower our generation.
Maybe you’ve started a business and you’re a light in your community. People see you living the American Dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It gives them hope. Your business was built on your blood, sweat, and prayers, and with God’s grace you’ll continue to stand for everything that makes our nation great.
Or you’ve founded a 501(c)(3) or not-for-profit to help those in need. You know you’ve been commissioned to make a difference and you intend to do just that, whether it’s pastoring a church, overseeing a soup kitchen, or running an orphanage. Your heart longs to see people delivered from the bondage of sin, sickness, and poverty.
Perhaps you feel a deep moral obligation to serve in the public arena as an elected official. It’s not a path for everyone, but you feel called to step in and help enact legislation that will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. You know that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
The problem you run into is… time. You know that your online presence and marketing strategy needs to connect and resonate with your target audience, but attending to the everyday needs of your business, non-profit, or campaign leaves little time to craft quality content that really expresses the heart of who you are, and the passion that drives you. There are precious few hours in the day, and you dread having to spend them trying to understand SEO algorithms or writing fundraising emails.
That’s where I come in. My name is Jenny, and I’m a freelance Conservative Copywriter. With over 20 years of sales, marketing, and fundraising experience, I specialize in creating inbound marketing strategies that show future customers, donors, and voters why they should be prayerfully considering giving you their business, becoming a donor, or backing you politically.
Whether it’s:
quality SEO copy or content for your website
a dynamic landing page that converts
insightful blogs
informative email sequences
engaging social media content
memorable radio ads or YouTube scripting
impassioned fundraising scripts or emails
or eloquent campaign speeches
I deliver results that you can be proud of!
Read about the birth of, mission, and purpose of Constantine Copywriting. Check out my portfolio and testimonials.